How To Find Time To Practice Guitar

It's easier than you think to find a little time to play your guitar and improve your skills.

We all lead very busy lives.  But there are ways you can help yourself carve out that tiny 30 minutes per day to play guitar.  And remember that you're "playing" guitar.  Not "working" guitar.   While it may be challenging and even frustrating at times, you want to have fun and relax with this stuff too.  It's like watching TV, except it makes you a more interesting person and burns more calories.

1. Leave your guitar out of the case.

A guitar in a case won't get played as much. Leave it out (and plugged in if needed). It's much easier to pick it up whenever you have a spare minute. I have one right next to my desk for whenever the laptop is slow or a musical idea strikes me.

2. Choose a consistent time.

Practicing at the same time each day gives you a couple of advantages. - You don't have to decide to do it. It just happens. - Your brain will gear up for it a few minutes before starting and you'll get into the groove faster. - Doing it as part of a morning routine is great because you've got it out of the way and don't have to feel bad that night about not getting to play. - On the flipside, doing it right before bed will give your brain all night to process the information and science has shown that you can root new information more solidly in your head by sleeping right after. - You could even split your practice into two 15 min chunks, morning and night.

3. Choose a consistent place.

Doesn't really matter where.  Office, garage, living room, wherever.  Just going into that same place at the same time each day will get your brain in guitar mode faster. For me it's the kitchen because the reverb is killer in there.

4. Create a reminder.

Maybe a recurring note on your phone or set your guitar where you can see it in the morning.  Set that consistent time for it just like any other appointment.

5. Have a reward.

You should include a bit of free play time at the end of each practice session.  If done correctly, practice is often difficult and frustrating because you're working at the edge of your abilities.  So definitely include some "play whatever you want" time at the end of each session.  And if you'd prefer a reward of ice cream or your favorite TV show, indulge yourself after a good practice.

6. Be consistent

Consistency in time, place, cues, and rewards makes it much easier to keep up a habit. 7. The Jerry Seinfeld Trick The comedian Jerry Seinfeld has a system that keeps him on track to write every day.  He simply prints out a blank 30 day calendar and tapes it to the wall.  On every day that he writes, he puts a big red X on that day on the calendar.  And the goal is to not break the chain of red X’s. If you’re having trouble getting consistent with your playing sessions, try it out.  It’s worked well for me too. 8. Practice, Not Perfection. Nobody is perfect. If you miss a day or two, just get back on the next day. Very soon it'll be a habit. And the good kind. Not the kind you need rehab for.

7. Join the Free 30-Day Guitar Challenge.

You will learn 3 complete songs in 30 days with just 10 MINUTES of playing time per day.  Maybe you're a little rusty and need some restart help. Or maybe you've never touched a guitar before at all.  The Challenge will get you up and running to build your basic skills and the confidence to keep going.  And it's FREE to sign up.

Register for the 30-Day Guitar Challenge here.  (It's Free!)